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 Motivating students

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asert aldamaa
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Motivating students  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Motivating students    Motivating students  Emptyالأحد 12 سبتمبر 2010, 4:20 pm

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

Motivating students
Some students seem naturally enthusiastic about learning, but many need their instructors to stimulate them: "Effective learning in the classroom depends on the teacher's ability ..
Many factors affect student's motivation to work and to learn : interest in the subject matter, its usefulness, general desire to achieve, self-confidence as well as patience .
To encourage students to become self-motivated independent learners, instructors can do the following:
General strategies
Make use of students' existing needs. Students learn best when incentives for learning in a classroom satisfy their own motives for enrolling in the course. Some of the needs your students may bring to the classroom are the need to learn something in order to complete a task or an activity, the need to seek new experiences, the need to perfect skills, the need to overcome challenges, the need to succeed , the need to interact with other people. Satisfying such needs is rewarding in itself, and such rewards increase learning more effectively than do grades.
Make students active participants in learning.Students learn by doing, making, writing, designing, creating, solving. Don't tell students something when you can ask them. Encourage students to suggest solutions to a problem or to guess the results of an experiment. Use small group work.
Ask students to analyze what makes their classes more or less "motivating." Ask students to make a list of specific aspects that influences his or her level of motivation

Incorporating Instructional Behaviors That Motivate Students

Hold high realistic expectations for your students.Research has shown that a teacher's expectations have a powerful effect on a student's performance. If you act as though you expect your students to be motivated, hardworking, and interested in the course, they are more likely to be so.

Help students set achievable goals for themselves.Encourage students to focus on their continued improvement, not just on their grade on any one test . Help students to work on their weaknesses.

Tell students what they need to do to succeed in your course.Reassure students that they can do well in your course, and tell them exactly what they must do to succeed.

Strengthen students' self-motivation.Avoid messages that reinforce your power as an instructor.

Avoid creating intense competition among students.Competition produces anxiety, which can interfere with learning. Reduce students' tendencies to compare themselves to one another.
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asert aldamaa
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Motivating students    Motivating students  Emptyالأحد 12 سبتمبر 2010, 4:21 pm

[center]Structuring the Course to Motivate Students

Work from students' strengths and interests. Find out why students are enrolled in your course. Then try to devise examples that relate the course content to students' interests and experiences

When possible, let students have some say in choosing what will be .If possible let students decide to select which topics to explore in greater depth.

Increase the difficulty of the material as the semester progresses. Give students opportunities to succeed at the beginning of the semester. Once students feel they can succeed, you can gradually increase the difficulty level.

Vary your teaching methods. Variety reawakens students' involvement in the course and their motivation. Break the routine by using a variety of teaching activities and methods
De-emphasizing Grades

Emphasize mastery and learning rather than grades.
Researchers recommend de-emphasizing grading by eliminating systems of credit points; they also advise against trying to use grades to control nonacademic behavior .

Design tests that encourage the kind of learning you want students to achieve. Many students will learn whatever is necessary to get the grades they desire. So make use of this point.

Avoid using grades as threats. The threat of low grades may prompt some students to work hard, but other students may resort to excuses for late work, and other behavior.

Motivating Students by Responding to Their Work

Give students feedback as quickly as possible. Give students some indication of how well they have done and how to improve. Rewards can be as simple as saying a student's response was good

Reward success. Both positive and negative comments influence motivation, but research indicates that students are more affected by positive feedback and success

Introduce students to the good work done by their peers. Share the ideas, knowledge, and accomplishments of individual students with the class as a whole.

Be specific when giving negative feedback. Negative feedback is very powerful and can lead to a negative class atmosphere. Whenever you identify a student's weakness, make it clear that your comments relate to a particular task or performance, not to the student as a person.

Avoid demeaning comments. Many students in your class may be anxious about their performance and abilities. Be sensitive to how you phrase your comments

Avoid giving in to students' excuse for "the answer" to homework problems. When you simply give struggling students the solution, you rob them of the chance to think for themselves. Use a more productive approach .Ask the students for one possible approach to the problem[/center]
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Motivating students  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Motivating students    Motivating students  Emptyالأحد 12 سبتمبر 2010, 10:12 pm

vary important topic
we must foucs for these fundamental
Avoid using grades as threats.
vary important point

thank you very much

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
asert aldamaa
.♥ مراقبة عامة ♥.
.♥ مراقبة عامة ♥.
asert aldamaa

Motivating students  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Motivating students    Motivating students  Emptyالثلاثاء 14 سبتمبر 2010, 8:46 pm

thank you taimaa
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